Sunday, March 29, 2015

Seven Simple Acne Treatment steps

Acne Treatment requires precision, skill and caution. When looking for face washes, creams, and gels, you need to look for solutions that are gentle on the skin, with precise healing time.  Since that the skin which is the organ that covers the whole body can be sensitive and responds to irritation, one has to make sure that cleanser, gels and moisturizer agents will have mild balanced chemicals that won’t over dry or irritate the skin.  Gentle approach methods are the best way to treat your acne. The skillful approach to acne treatment can make a significant difference to get rid of your acne.  There are seven simple steps in washing, cleaning, applying gels, and moisturizer to the acne pimple spots that can speed the progress of healing.

1.   Wash your face with acne treatment cleanser which is mild on the face and won’t over dry the skin. Most mistakes are made when the face wash is too heavy and the soap, or face wash has too much components that reacts on the skin too severely, to cause burning or irritation.

                               2.   Use an oil cleanser that won’t clog pores, it must be an oil cleanser that can work with any moisturizer; the aim of the cleansing is to increase the hydration of the skin.  It is very good to use a versatile oil cleanser, one that can work to remove make up, act as a body lotion, or act as massage oil.



3.    Apply a soothing cream that is as gentle as a shaving cream. A few drops dispense in the palm of the hands, rubbing over the affected areas, apply nice thick lathering over the pimple or scars will significantly penetrate the follicles to attack the bacteria that cause these pimple or scars.


4.       A generous sized liquid gel cleanser that has the right balanced formula and won’t over dry your skin. It is a plus to use one that is dye free and can lathers well and will do a good job. If the procedure is followed carefully, the unclogging of the pores should be a relatively short time.


5.       Using a clear easy spreading gel that contains a very little benzyl peroxide, give the advantage of no clogging pores when moisturizers are used, the minimal chemical component, will carry a solution that does not bring excessive dryness or irritation.


6.       A clear light feeling lotion that spreads easily and isolate the bacteria beneath the skin surface.  This type Lotion can be a valuable aid, especially for those who have sensitive skin. Such skin types need an application that is mild and gentle.  The healing process may take more time, but is better to choose an application that does more healing than hurt.


7.       An acne treatment moisturizer that is cable to calm acne prone skin is an invaluable asset to the healing process. If the skin type sensitive to harsh chemical, a fragrance and dye free moisturizer will do very much to increase hydration, and ensuring skin tone.

The treatment procedures depends on the severity of the acne outbreak on the skin surface, a mild outbreak might not need an intense effort.  If the severity is more complex two or more method of these steps is recommended.


Monday, February 2, 2015

What you don’t about your acne treatment can heal you.

Have you been trying acne treatments that were supposed to be effective, one after another and still cannot get any meaningful healing results? You are stressed out because the treatment for acne remedies are either too harsh or don’t work at all. You are boxed in and feel all alone because you cannot associate with your peers; passing up many date offers, social events, outings one after another because nothing seemed to work. You don’t have to feel that way if you don’t want to, you may be wondering why I am saying that. If you want healed on the outside it has to start from the inside.

In order to have the acne treatment that work you need to understand what are acne, and the biological malfunction that causes acne. Acne is caused when the oil that is supposed to be released from the sebaceous gland is blocked and the skin pores that is supposed the release that oil or sweat is clogged up. This clogging causes a rising on the surface of the skin called inflammation.

Inflammation is characterized by acne pimples which has a red of sore looking appearance on the surface of the skin. There are two types of Acne inflammation: one is non- inflammatory and the other is inflammatory. The non-inflammatory type can become unplugged and healed easily, while the Inflammatory where the follicle wall can rupture or the natural acne treatment process takes longer, or heals for a sort while and then break out again.

There is one indisputable fact that the mind and body are connected, whatever worries the mind affects the body. The bible, the torah, and even Psychologist all agree to this fact. It is a fact that emotional stress affects the endocrine (hormone system), digestive system, respiratory system, immune system and other bodily systems. Over taxing the body in a constant worry mode can add more load to the long term stress duration. It may be surprising to know that this is the power of the soul over the body. For effective acne treatment to take place the reverse has to happen.

The powers of the soul can relief the stress from acne. Most acne suffers apply the medications of their choice without, releasing their emotion from the way feel about their look. If the stressful thought is about the way you are looking and not the way you are going to look after the best over the counter acne treatment of your choice, is applied, your chances of getting permanent relief may be slim, or not at all.

There is another indisputable fact if you did not believe that your choice of acne treatment you are using could help or heal you, you would not have used it much less to buy it. It is the same way it is imperative that you start relieving yourself of your stress before applying whatever acne treatment product of your choice, be it home remedy, or over the counter medication. .

You may be asking so what you don’t know about your acne treatment products that can heal you? Well it is simple; it is your faith, to stop worry about how are looking now and start believing how you are going to look after the acne treatment product of your choice is applied. The vision to see in your mind’s eye to see yourself looking the way you want to look. No more pimples, rash, or ugly scaring, that has kept you secluded until now, time to tell yourself, your time to be permanently healed has come at last. If you can imagine it you can receive it.